
Some of the technologies we use:

Here are some of the services we provide

We are helping organizations to run their IT business strategies and achieve their ambitious results!

We make big plans happen.

On-Demand Cloud Infrastructures

On-premise private clouds with a single click. From baremetal to a full stack cloud solution, completely automated.

Software Development and Migration

Either you need a new application or you want to migrate a legacy one in cloud. We can deliver IT!

Data Analytics

We take your data lake and we make it counts. From large datasets to meaningful and actionable insights.

Earth Observation

Geospatial information helps you to model the world. We build solutions that integrate geospatial data.

Built exclusively for you

We analyse your requirements and tranform it into a result.
Each product we built will match your business unique value.

On-Demand Cloud Infrastructures

On-premises private clouds with a single click. Transforming a baremetal hardware into a full stack cloud solution using technologies like Canonical MAAS, Canonical Juju and OpenStack. Accelerate and secure your applications using Kubernetes with automated deployment. We integrate open-source production ready technologies to build up a private cloud environment.

On-Demand Cloud Infrastructures
On-Demand Cloud Infrastructures
On-Demand Cloud Infrastructures

Software Development and Migration

Cloud is the new cutting edge technology to boost your bussines productivity. Legacy applications can be hard to migrate. We are applying a 3-Re methodology (re-host, re-platform, re-factor) to ensure your application can optimally reach the Cloud. Digitalization is the key to a succesful business development. We are here to design and develop your next software solution tailored to your needs.

Software Development and Migration
Software Development and Migration

Data Analytics

Using data analytics a company can understand trends and patterns from a business datalake. These insigths can help to optimize business performance by understanding audiences, forescasting future results and overall cost reduction. Anomaly detection enhanched with Machine Learning is a product that we integrate into the workflow of the client to boost business performance.

Data Analytics
Data Analytics

Earth Observation

A wide variety of services based on processing large amounts of geospatial data. From monitoring urban development, to classifying crop types in rural areas. All based on open-source technologies such as GDAL, GeoServer and Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalogs.

Earth Observation
Earth Observation

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